
Claris International Inc.

Claris International Inc.

Brand and Marketing Design


Claris is an Apple company who’s aim is to make powerful technology accessible to everyone. They offer a suite of tools that allows businesses to create, share and integrate custom apps that improve workflow.

During my time at Claris, I was responsible for brand development and marketing . Some of the major initiatives I worked on was the relaunch of a tool called FileMaker, marketing the Claris Connect app integration tool and supporting a developer-based conference called “Claris Engage” in February 2024.


Design System

One responsibilty was to help push the brand further. I looked and solved for inconsistencies within the brand and created new guidelines for them. In addition, I also updated and created new library graphics as well as templates for the marketing site, social and PDF docs.

Brand foundations

Lockups and fonts

Digital illustrations

Social media graphics and templates


Colored illustrations -Seening a need for a unified illustration style, I created this set to reflect marketing content. The illustrations could be rearranged or modified to meet content needs.


Branded Designs